Minggu, 29 Januari 2023


Buah kedondong, buah durian. Annyeong, sang pejuang masa depan!

Sebelumnya, apa yang kalian ketahui tentang survey dan apa sih, fungsi survey itu? Nah, di bawah ini kita akan membahas satu persatu mengenai apa itu survey, fungsi survey, contoh survey, apa tujuan sebuah survey itu dibuat, serta belajar mengumpulkan data lewat survey. Yuk, simak bersama-sama!

Understanding Surveys

1.      Definition of survey
Surveys are research methods used for collecting data from a predefined group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest.  

2.      Social function of survey
Survey are used to gather or gain knowledge in fields such as social research and demography. Survey research in often used to assess thoughts, opinions, and feelings.

3.      Sample of survey

4.      Expressions and sentences used in surveys
a.      Questionnaire
A research or survey tool consisting of a series of written questions, which aims to obtain responses from a selected group of people through personal interviews.
b.      Question
A group of written questions with a certain system that must be answered in writing as well.
c.      Statements
Ideas or thoughts to explain certain preferences or inclinations towards ideologies perspectives that are non-objective. Opinions are responses to stimuli organized through personal interpretation.

5.      Type of survey
Surveys can be divided into two broad categories: the questionnaire and the interview. Questionnaires are usually paper-and-pencil instruments that the respondent completes. Interviews are completed by the interviewer based on the respondent says.
a.     Types of a survey based on deployment methods   
        -    Online surveys 
        -    Paper surveys  
        -    Telephonic survey  
        -    One to one interviews
b.     Types of a survey based on the frequency of deployment  
        -    Cross sectional studies  
        -    Longitudinal surveys  
        -    Retrospective survey 
6.      Doing survey
         a.        Background
In the midst of an increasingly fast development, it is very easy for various products from abroad to enter Indonesia. the community's response to the entry of these foreign products was very good, to the point that it was feared that it would make local products themselves less desirable. 
        b.         Purpose and benefit
The purpose of this survey was to find out the public's interest in local products and their deficiencies so that improvements can be made and it is hoped that local products will not be less competitive than foreign products. 
         c.        Result obtained

        d.        Conclusion
Foreign products that enter do not hinder people's interest in local products. People realize that it is very important to love local products. However, local products themselves still need to be improved in terms of quality, models, and ways of promotion so that local products are more developed. 

        e.         Result (Narration)

    This report was prepared based on the results of a survey that was conducted regarding public interest in local products. Globalization continues to encourage progress in various fields, not least in the economic field. Foreign products can easily enter Indonesian markets which are well received by the public. About 64.7% of people are interested in foreign products that have entered Indonesia. It is feared that local products will not be able to compete in the market because people's interest in foreign products is so high. However, in this survey around 70.6% of the people buy local products more often. What local products do they usually buy? About 44.7% of people answered food products, around 36.3% people answered fashion products, 11.0% people answered electronic products, and the rest answered others. In choosing a product, the thing that is most considered is the quality (44.1%), then the model (32.4%), the price (17.5%), and the rest. When asked about the quality of local products, many of them were satisfied (64.7%), around 14.7% felt dissatisfied, and around 20.6% felt unsatisfied. This certainly makes local products still require more attention to quality checking. In addition to quality issues that need attention, careful promotion is also needed so that local products can compete in the market.

Yuk, sekarang teman-teman coba buat survey, ya, kira-kira sudah pada paham materi tentang survey belum? Semoga teman-teman sudah paham, ya. Jadi, sekian pembahasan yang bisa saya sampaikan, semoga dapat menjadikan manfaat untuk teman-teman semua. Kurang dan lebihnya materi yang disampaikan, harap dimaklumkan.

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Buah kedondong, buah durian. Annyeong, sang pejuang masa depan. Materi pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris kali ini adalah membuat proposal rencana ...